Minh Nguyen (editor)
With contributions by Frank Brennan, John Bruni, Duncan Campbell, Sidney Jones, Tony Kevin, Peter King, Damien Kingsbury, Adrian Vickers, Richard Woolcott

Bibliographic information
Title: Good Neighbour, Bad Neighbour: Australia's Relations with Indonesia
Publisher: Uniya Jesuit Social Justice Centre, 2006
ISBN: 0980302218, 9780980302219
Length: 87 pages
Do we have to choose between pragmatism and principles in our relations with Indonesia? What values do we share? Who decides what makes a good neighbour?
These questions were the basis for the Uniya Seminar Series 2006, presented by Uniya Social Justice Centre, which brought together diplomats, commentators and academics to discuss Australia’s relationship with Indonesia, a relationship which regained public attention in 2006 with the arrival in northern Australia of 43 West Papuan asylum seekers.
Contributors to the seminars explored the complexities, possibilities and pitfalls of the
relationship and topics included the nature of diplomacy, East Timor and Papua, regional terrorism, and the new Australia-Indonesia security treaty.
With a foreword by Uniya Director Mary Bryant, this book contains the papers presented in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Wollongong.